Revised Authorization Matrix

The Service Management Authorization Matrix was updated in March. This matrix clearly defines the requirements pertaining to service management approval and when it is needed - before a repair is started or simply prior to transaction submission. The matrix also describes the situations that would require either DMA/DMC or WSC approval. 

The four situations that require service management approval prior to the start of the repair are OLH, added operations, comeback repeat repairs, and missing customer signatures. Service management approval must always be documented with their signature/initials, date, time, and their explanation as to why they made the approval. The time recorded must show that approval was obtained prior to the technician's starting clock time. The remaining approval requirements require only that the service manager approve prior to submission. The use of empowerment codes H, P, N, and M require approval, either prior to submission or after the first rejected transaction. 

Clarification has been made regarding approval of a six or more day rental. Approval must be obtained, in writing, from the service agent's DMA/DMC by completing the GM Dealer Pre-Approval Goodwill Request found in the Dealer Aftersales Empowerment Portal. Additionally, the DMA/DMC must be notified of this lengthy rental period within 10 days of putting the customer in the rental vehicle. 

A copy of this matrix can be found on GlobalConnect in the Headlines section. The reference number is GCUS-9-1776. There is also a copy in the Service Policies and Procedures manual, article 3.2.13 (however, as of this writing, it has not been updated). The matrix is also included in bulletin 04-00-89-015.

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