The most cost effective alternative to administering warranty claims in-house.
About the Service
jlwarranty has administered warranty transactions for dealerships on a daily basis since 1977. Trust jlwarranty's experienced team to administer your warranty claims, allowing service personnel to focus more on service and increasing retail sales. Our all-inclusive service strengthens your warranty operations from the assignment of labor operation codes to analyzing your warranty receivables schedule.
How Our Service Works
The service often pays for itself by collecting warranty dollars that may have previously been going unclaimed, tied up in receivables, or rejected.-
Dealership submits claims to jlwarranty via document scanner.
jlwarranty performs reimbursement and compliance evaluation.
jlwarranty works closely with dealership personnel to ensure the claims are accurate.
Corrections are addressed and jlwarranty submits the claims to Chrysler for payment.
Claims are paid and payment is posted directly to the dealership's warranty account.
Teamwork Is Key To Successful Warranty Operations
jlwarranty strives to be an integral member of your dealership team, for excellence in your warranty operations!
The Dealership's Role
Utilizing jlwarranty to process your warranty claims relieves service personnel from being solely responsible for warranty, allowing them to focus more on service and increasing retail sales. However, service personnel must still be up-to-date and knowledgeable of Chrysler Policy. The team must also be responsive and willing to address claim issues as jlwarranty brings them to their attention. The dealership may be requested to supply additional documentation, authorization or information to support the repairs performed. Teamwork is critical in these situations to get the information processed and the claim submitted in a timely manner.
Problems are inevitable with a team that does not work as a cohesive unit. Claims go uncollected, get tied up in receivables, and are not compliant, which may lead to costly chargebacks. With jlwarranty on your team, enjoy timely claims processing, help with claims compliancy and more control than ever before.

jlwarranty's Role
We promise to:- Collect all expenses related to the warranty repair.
- Process your claims as quickly as possible, efficiently and effectively the first time, every time.
- We help you follow Chrysler Policy to minimize potential debits.
- Supply experienced warranty professionals that you can depend on.
- Reduce the number of rejected claims.
- Reconcile your schedule regularly to reduce over-age claims.
- Keep warranty receivables current.
- Keep all information confidential.
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Pricing: Warranty Claims Processing Service
If we can lower your warranty administration costs, collect all expenses related to the warranty repair, and help you with claims compliance, can you think of any reason not to get started?
- No contracts.
- No start-up fee.
- Our low rate saves you money as volume fluctuates, which provides payroll flexibility by turning your fixed operation expense into a low variable expense.
- The service can be utilized for as long or short of time as needed.