Get started with a consultation, call us today at 800.852.6298!
Or, click the "Get Started" button and complete the information so that we may contact you to discuss this service in detail. Get StartedAbout Warranty Claims Clean-Up Service
Our Warranty Claims Clean-Up service provides a cost effective solution to reconcile warranty schedules. You can be assured all revenue will be sought after. Not only will you be caught up and stress free, it will improve your bottom line!
It doesn't take long to get behind on warranty and it happens for a variety of reasons. Employees fall behind, never really grasp the warranty process, or simply quit. jlwarranty understands these situations occur and we can quickly solve your problems. The claims on your warranty receivables schedule are like uncashed checks. And unfortunately, the older a claim gets, the more difficult it can become to get it paid.
Since 1977, jlwarranty has processed hundreds of millions of dollars in warranty claims for dealers. This daily, hands-on process keeps us current on what is necessary to get dealers' claims paid quickly and completely. An added bonus to our service is that once we get you caught up, we are just a phone call away to help with future claims.
Warranty Claims Clean-Up Service Is Available To:
GM Dealerships Chrysler Dealerships Ford DealershipsHow it works
Get your outstanding, unpaid, or rejected warranty claims paid!-
Scan, fax, or mail us your rejected, OEM-pending, and/or unsubmitted transactions, supporting documentation (rental bills, sublet invoices, etc.) and a copy of your warranty receivable schedule.
Each transaction is reviewed for all potential revenue and coded according to OEM policy & procedure. Claims are submitted directly to the OEM.
All policy concerns will be communicated with you. We will work with your OEM representative, when necessary, on claims that only he/she can pay. We are proud of the many great relationships we have with OEM representatives and the respect they have for our expertise.
You will receive a detailed warranty invoice detailing labor, parts, and dollar amount.
Your dealer account will be credited just as if you did the claims yourself.
Warranty Receivables Report Card
Try this calculator for an estimated grade of your current warranty receivables status.Frequently Asked Questions
Our customers say it best...For any other questions click here or call 800.852.6298 and a Customer Service Representative will assist you.
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Pricing: Warranty Claims Clean-Up Service
We have cleaned up warranty schedules with over $250,000 tied up in receivables! How much could you have going unclaimed?
- Job cards are checked for maximum revenue
- Claims are submitted directly to the OEM
- We alert you to any areas of concern
- Support for warranty questions