Warranty StampsIncrease efficiency and compliance with one quick motion.
Stamp the job card to help document all necessary information prior to performance of the repair and/or transaction submission.
Warranty Help CardsCommonly used GM warranty information at your fingertips.
Quick Reference Warranty Help Cards eliminate searching for certain tidbits of information. These cards feature commonly used GM warranty information in a format that is to the point, easy to understand, and readily accessible.
Warranty PublicationsEasy-to-understand, condensed warranty information.
From a Recall Summary book that contains the labor operations and descriptions for every recall to the Official Warranty Guide that identifies OEM warranty coverage on all vehicles, we have a warranty publication to meet your needs.
Warranty Administration ProgramThe most extensive package of GM warranty information, training, and support.
This program takes important warranty information, combines it with our warranty claims processing experience and summarizes it into to-the-point, easy-to-understand, readily accessible newsletters, training videos, interactive forums, publications, quick look-up tools, and so much more!